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5 frequently asked questions about solar energy

Even with the rise of new electricity generation alternatives, many people still have frequent doubts about solar energy, from the operation of the system to its use.

It is important to mention that there are two main forms of generation. The first is through the on grid system, suitable for homes that are connected to the distribution network. In this case, in the months when production exceeds consumption, the extra kW will be counted as credits.

In situations where there is no connection with the utility, the indication is the off grid system, capable of storing the energy not consumed in batteries.

Now that you know both options, let's check out some frequently asked questions about solar energy? Follow up!


1. What is a solar power generation system?

Solar energy, as the name implies, is energy from the sun. When opting for this model, a generation system will be installed, capable of producing electricity by capturing the sun's rays.

This transformation is only possible thanks to the photovoltaic effect, a physical phenomenon that occurs in the so-called solar panels or plates. Through this phenomenon, it is possible to supply a home using a sustainable and clean option.


Objectively, a solar energy generation system is composed of:

  • Photovoltaic modules;

  • Inverter;

  • Accessories and structures;

  • Charge controller (off grid only);

  • Batteries (off grid only).


2. Can all appliances in my house run on solar energy?

Yea! This is because solar panels generate direct electrical current, but the inverter transforms it into alternating electrical current, until it reaches the home's distribution board. Thus, any appliance or item can be turned on normally.


3. Como a energia solar funciona à noite?

This question is also part of the frequently asked questions about solar energy. Therefore, it is important to explain that there is no production of solar energy at night, as the sun's rays must be present. So, you might think: “at night time will I not have electricity?”

Keep calm! In cases where there is a connection to the distribution network, the concessionaire will be responsible for providing the night light.

In situations where this connection does not exist, it is necessary to have a battery bank connected to the panels for the storage of energy, which will be used at night.


4. Is it possible to monitor energy production?

O controle da produção pode ser feito por meio de um sistema de monitoramento acoplado ao inversor. Para ter acesso aos números, basta entrar na plataforma pelo computador ou por aplicativo instalado no celular.

Antes de fechar negócio, verifique se a empresa que for fazer a instalação do seu sistema fotovoltaico possui esse tipo de recurso. O acesso ao sistema de monitoramento é feito por meio de um login com usuário e senha. 


5. In case of electricity rationing, is it worth having solar energy?

This is another situation that generates frequent doubts about solar energy. But first, it is important that you understand the difference between rationing and blackout.

In the event of a blackout, or in any case of a power cut, the power grid stops working. So if you have an on-grid solar power system that is plugged into the grid, it will also stop providing electricity.

Already in rationing, the electrical network continues to work, but you will need to reduce consumption. So, in cases of rationing, solar energy is still advantageous. That's because the panels will help you reduce the use of electricity from hydroelectric plants, as you will generate much of the energy through sunlight.

©2022 por Jireh Energy Group.

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